Monday, June 22, 2009

B.C. Times

Seventh from Adam Disappears!

Tuttul: the city counsel had no explanations for the sudden disappearance
of Enoch first born of Jared. Independent sources report a close relationship
with his Lord. A statement by his son Methuselah I’m 300 years old and I
can tell you my father has walked with God for as long as I can remember.
Anonymous source is quoted as saying “you won’t find Enoch on this world”.

1 comment:

Solomon's Porch said...

Love reading your commentaries....


About Me

United States
I am a member of the Longview drive MBC Henderson, Texas. I was born again October 21, 1962. I am a bond-servant of my LORD and Savior JESUS CHRIST. To Him be Glory for ever and ever.