Wednesday, June 10, 2009

B.C. Times

God revokes visa Adam and Eve
Iraq : In the four rivers are today residents Adam and Eve were driven out of garden by sword welding angel. The Creators spokes person was quoted as saying "Adam has placed the I in sin".
This reported also spoke to a serpent that claimed to be a eye witness, but wanted to remain anonymous, Adam and Eve just wanted to improve their selves knowing good and evil know big deal right. Adam and Eve needed the slaying of innocent animals to cover them selves disgusting. Asked why the serpant was not standing up right had no comment.

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United States
I am a member of the Longview drive MBC Henderson, Texas. I was born again October 21, 1962. I am a bond-servant of my LORD and Savior JESUS CHRIST. To Him be Glory for ever and ever.