Friday, June 12, 2009

B.C. Times

Son of Adam Dead. Murder or Accident

Babylon: : Abel found in corn field today coroner said, his head bashed in bloody rock nearby. Cain is suspect. Adam can’t understand two days ago everything was fine.
Adam as you know a pioneer in farming and after many rough years trying to make a better life for his two sons and wife. Cain following in his fathers footsteps became well
respected for his vineyards, grapes, figs and pomegranates. Abel had parted from the farming route of his father and became a shepherd, starting out with wild sheep. Bred sheep whose wool was coveted by all.
As Adam said there was a yearly event offering to be brought to the LORD.
Abel brought the best of his flock a lamb un-blemished and fat. Cain also brought the best of what he had grown. The LORD accepted Abel’s. B.C. Times spoke to Cain after
Event he is quoted as saying “I’ll show them”.

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United States
I am a member of the Longview drive MBC Henderson, Texas. I was born again October 21, 1962. I am a bond-servant of my LORD and Savior JESUS CHRIST. To Him be Glory for ever and ever.