Monday, July 13, 2009


Farmers VS Herders 2056

Ur – fights broke out between farmers and herdsmen over land. The principle
land owners are herdsman. Farmers are saying that over grazing has caused
the loss of valuable areas for farming, farmers appeal to the city counsel we
need more land to provide food and trade goods? The cush chronicle spoke
to the sheep co-op. the way farmers are destroying land, instead of food
and trade goods we predict famine. We've had plans for months to move all
of our herds and family’s to Haran, a 400 mile journey along the Euphrates

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About Me

United States
I am a member of the Longview drive MBC Henderson, Texas. I was born again October 21, 1962. I am a bond-servant of my LORD and Savior JESUS CHRIST. To Him be Glory for ever and ever.